Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Sport - it looks very different from here

It's a strange thing that for the most part I haven't much of a clue what is going on at the Olympic games. I have no access to television when I get back to the van which is probably a good thing as it means that I get to bed at a decent hour and don't have the temptation of more sport.

For the most part we focus on the sports we are involved in and have an intimate view of what is going on. Every now and then our focus changes when something big is happening. Today that was the first gold medals which meant that for a few minutes our office came to a halt, the volume on the TV was switched up and the cheering started as the girls got closer to the line.


I was hoping for a repeat when I was eating my lunch in the break out area. Unfortunately it was only a bronze for the rowing 8. You could see the mood rapidly changing from calm to really excited and back to subdued.


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