Tuesday, 31 July 2012

A day in the life of an Olympic games maker

As the alarm goes off I wake feeling very tired from the lack of sleep, but it only takes me a couple of seconds to realise that it's the first day if the olympics and I will be there working behind the scenes. I am out of the house as quickly as I can and out of the house across a ver quiet London at just before 6.

As I cycle I keep seeing other people with their games maker uniforms on. I catch the eye of a black lady with a walking stick standing waiting for a bus as I come though hackney and we smile and share our moment. Before I know it I am cycling into the bike park at eaton manor. For me the ride has brought back lots of positive memories as the site of the Olympic park is where the east way track used to be and where I started racing my bicycle

As I walk in there is a good feeling both from within and also more importantly from without. Games makers proudly ware their uniforms and make sure they say a happy good morning to everyone around. This is not a Butlins type of good morning that has been trained in to a workforce but a very genuine and natural kind of good morning that comes from people relishing and embracing their role in making the games happen.

There is a certain amout of confusion as to what all the new starters are supposed to be doing, but I find the office I am working out of and get to meet up with other members of my team. We have a diverse range of people working from students on technology courses to project managers from house hold name companies.

It's good getting to know them all and finding out about why they are at the Olympics.

As part of our work we get to see the games from a different angle as most of the time we are behind the scenes. On occasion I go out front of house and I wish that I was doing the meeting and greeting as it looks such fun. However by the afternoon I soon realise that what I am doing is rather special as I see far more things which are needed to make an event of this scale happen.
On occasion when things are quiet we get to watch some of the television feeds of the things on around us.
By e time my day finishes I am still on a high and the tiredness from the previous couple of days fails to materialise. I go back to islington to collect my stuff and then cycle back up to the campsite which is some 15 miles north just the other side of the M25 in Hertfordshire. I get back to the site and head off to buy some food . Sea bass with a Bierce blanc, green beans and potatoes, followed by cheese and a nice glass of red. It's been a long day and I am very tired and soon I slip into a most welcome sleep.

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