Thursday, 26 July 2012

It's the day we have all been waiting for

I wake very early, far too early with a real sense of excitement within me. I try to go back to sleep as I know that I have a long day ahead, but it's just not going to happen as I have far too many things going on in my mind. There are lots of things to put into the van and i am hopeful that I can get Ben and Rob up so we can leave at a decent hour.

As I am lying in bed the Chris Evans show starts and I decide to text in. 15 minutes later the following is read out "Morning Chris, can all the Olympic games makers be in your club? We are more excited than even you. James" I know I am going to have an interesting day and I decide that the way to wake the boys is to go over to the church and ring the bells at 8:12. We live right next door to the church so I hope that it's going to work.

8:12 and I start to ring one of the church bells along with 3 other regular ringers. As we ring they gently try and press gang me into learning. The bell ringing trick works and as I get back into the house Rob is up and moving around. For some reason he is a bit grumpy so I leave him to wake up as I load the van.

After much cajoling I get the boys moving and we pile into the van. Rob starts to play the guitar and I am a very happy person with the buzz of the day and all the stimulating things happening around me.


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